Water For West Africa’s mission is to achieve the goals of improving living conditions and opportunities for the people of West Africa

Welcome to Water for West Africa (WFWA), where we aim to advance water justice across West Africa. We are dedicated to ensuring equitable access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services for all communities, particularly those facing disparities and challenges. Our team is committed to addressing systemic inequalities in water resources and infrastructure, working closely with local partners and stakeholders to implement sustainable solutions. Through community-led initiatives, capacity-building programs, and advocacy efforts, we strive to empower individuals and communities to claim their right to safe and reliable water sources and sanitation facilities.

At WFWA, we believe that water justice is fundamental to human dignity, health, and prosperity, and we are passionate about driving positive change that transforms lives in West Africa. Join us in our journey towards a future where everyone can access clean water and sanitation, irrespective of their circumstances. Together, we can make water justice a reality.

Our Partners

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Strategic Partners

WASH programs in West Africa greatly benefit from collaborations with local and strategic partners, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, community groups, and private sector entities. Partnering with local stakeholders enhances program effectiveness and sustainability by leveraging local knowledge, resources, and networks. Local partnerships ensure that WASH interventions are culturally appropriate and responsive to community needs, fostering community ownership and long-term engagement. Strategic partnerships with government agencies enable better coordination and alignment with national policies and priorities, facilitating scale-up and institutionalization of WASH services.

Collaboration with non-profit organizations and private sector partners brings in additional expertise, funding, and innovative technologies to enhance the impact and reach of WASH programs. Overall, working with diverse partners strengthens the implementation, impact, and sustainability of WASH initiatives in West Africa, leading to lasting improvements in water, sanitation, and hygiene outcomes.


For $7,500+ you can fully fund a village water project for a community or school