Maxwell – Working hard to help provide clean water to village communities
Meet Maxwell Apuri. He is the Drilling Crew Supervisor for the Rural Water Development Program (RWDP) in Ghana. Maxwell has been with the drilling crew for the past eight years, and it’s a blessing to have Maxwell as part of the drilling team in Ghana.
Maxwell is married and the father of three children and a member of the Yendi church of Christ. Some of the pictures in this update are from his collection over the years of working in the field. Before coming to work with RWDP, Maxwell worked as a drilling crew supervisor for a Mali drilling organization. So he is well experienced in working with the culture and terrain of West Africa.
Not only is Maxwell an experience well driller, but he is also a wonderful gentleman who is always looking out for the crew and the community. His passion helps provide clean water and sanitation for village communities where water contamination is part of everyday life.
During the COVID 19 Pandemic, Maxwell has been leading the way for the RWDP drilling
The COVID 19 pandemic especially threatens the 3 billion people who do not have access to adequate handwashing facilities with soap and water in their homes. We at Ghana West Africa Missions (GWAM) and Water for West Africa (WfWA) are working in partnership with Ghana Health Services (GHS) and Healing Hands International (HHI) to bring clean water and sanitation to rural medical clinics. Maxwell is a big part of this work. Without him, the result would suffer, and so would the people in rural village communities.
Over the past year, the drilling crew has worked none stop. There is so much to do in light of the COVID 19 pandemic.
“I work hard because I know that my people are suffering and want them to have clean water to drink, cook, and wash. These people are suffering in poverty. It is a blessing for me to work in the GWAM and WfWA mission. The program brings physical and spiritual healing to this land of Ghana. ” – Maxwell
We are fortunate to have good people like Maxwell who work hard for the people of his community. We hope and pray that he has many years of service to his neighbors for the glory of God.